Thursday, May 16, 2013

Uncle Bob, the car guy

 I have been trying to think about ways to expose our homeschool kids to as many different things as possible.  I especially want to include others who can share their knowledge with us about subjects that some of us moms might think to explain to our kiddos.  Uncle Bob came to mind one day when he came to pick up Dylan for basketball practice. I asked him if he would come to our next homeschool group and explain how an engine works. He brought his 1966 Mustang and showed us how he rebuilt the engine.

 He brought pictures of the different steps that he took when he was putting the engine back together.  He explained to us how the more cylinders an engine has, the stronger and more powerful it will be.  He even explained the scientific process of how gasoline and oil make the engine work effectively.  I learned a lot!

 He pointed out to us all the different parts of the engine, but most of the kids were waiting for him to start that loud engine.

 He even let each kid get inside to look around and take a picture.  I think Grammy, Kim Medina and I were even more excited than the kids about getting inside!

 Bob stayed and ate lunch with us and watched over the kids while they played soccer after lunch.  I think this is most of the boys' favorite part of when we get together.  This simple time of running and playing means a lot to them and to us Moms also who usually enjoy getting to visit while they play.

Next up, Uncle Bob comes back to show us how to make homemade ice cream!  How many more things can I get Bob to help us with?

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