Friday, January 28, 2011

We want tacos...

 Near the end of the game, Dylan couldn't control his excitement!

 "We want tacos, we want tacos..."
 Gracie loves to scream and stomp when the other team is shooting free throws.  She starts the crowd chanting "defense" and has become quite a fan of Montclair basketball.

Tonight was the third game this week, and we knew it was going to be a tough one against Don Lugo.  We were behind most of the game but pulled ahead in the fourth quarter just to see them hit a three and send it to overtime.  They played tough and stayed strong, and as the score crept closer to 100, the crowd started chanting, "We want tacos!" which I have to assume is referring to the free tacos that fans get after a Laker game when they score 100.  It was a nail-biter to the end, but we came through.  I have reminded Bill many times this season, to stop and enjoy all of these wins.  I don't know how much he has really done that, but I do know that if things continue this well, he will have a really good March and April thinking about what a great season it was. 
Luke decided to visit with Molly and John by himself for the first time tonight, so that is why he isn't in any of the pictures.  I kept finding myself looking for him all night, but he had a great time and wasn't ready to come home. Tonight, we had Floyd Ross, his neighbor, Grandma, Grandpa, Bob, Matt and Sarah cheering with us.
To top things off, Bill just texted me that he is canceled their usual Saturday morning practice, so he can sleep in until Dylan's game tomorrow.  Maybe he is enjoying this win a little!

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